The Crag is a platform for logging and detailing rock climbing areas and routes. The contect is user generated and well structured making it perfect for web-scraping. The method used to web scrape is to fetch website data using Requests and parsed using Beautiful Soup.
import requests, bs4
import pandas as pd
from urllib.parse import urljoin
import as px
Data from every page needs to be feched from The Crag. This handy function does exactly that.
def get_soup(url):
res = requests.get(url)
return bs4.BeautifulSoup(res.text, "lxml")
The data in The Crag is structured as follows:
Country > States > Regions > Areas > Crags
To start with we need a list of urls for every State in the Country and every Region in every state. These can both be achieved with the function below:
The yellow arrow has a link to the list of climbs in the state. By right clicking on the yellow arrow and selecting inspect element in Chrome we can see that first we need to find all of the "div" ekements with the class "area". Then, for each area, the url is in the "a" element which has the class "mappin located".
def get_urls(page_url):
link_list = []
soup = get_soup(page_url)
areas = soup.find_all("div", {"class": "area"})
for area in areas:
link = area.find('a', {"class": "mappin located"})['href']
except TypeError:
guide = urljoin('', link)
link_list.append(urljoin(guide, ' ').strip())
return link_list
For each crag we need:
The name and number of routes can be found from the correct elements and the URL can be founf from the same method as before.
The GPS co-ordinates are in a seperate guide page for the crag. This function gets that page and searches for 'Lat / Long:' in every
element. Once found the coordinates are returned.
def get_lat_long(full_url):
guide = urljoin(full_url, 'guide')
soup_lat = get_soup(guide)
a = None
for p in soup_lat.find_all('p'):
if 'Lat / Long:' in p.text:
a = p
return a.text.split(':')[1].split(',') if a else [None, None]
def get_crags_from_reg(url):
classes = ['name', 'routes']
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['name', 'Sport', 'routes', 'url', 'lat', 'long'])
soup = get_soup(url)
crags = soup.find_all("div", {"class": "area"})
for i, crag in enumerate(crags):
a = crag.find('div', {"class": "loc"})
link = a.find('a', {"class": "mappin located"})['href']
except TypeError:
full_link = f'{link}'
guide = urljoin(full_link, 'guide')
lat_long = get_lat_long(guide)
df.loc[i, 'lat'] = lat_long[0]
df.loc[i, 'long'] = lat_long[1]
df.loc[i, 'Sport'] = 'Climbing'
df.loc[i, 'url'] = urljoin(full_link, ' ').strip()
for cls in classes:
df.loc[i, cls] = crag.find('div', {"class": cls}).text
df.routes = df['routes'].str.replace(',', '')
df = df.dropna()
df = df.astype({'name': str, 'Sport': str, 'routes': int, 'url': str, 'lat': float, 'long': float})
return df
Code to get all climbing areas in Australia:
df = pd.DataFrame()
aus = ''
#state = ''
states = get_urls(aus)
for state in states:
regions = get_urls(state)
for crag in regions:
reg = get_crags_from_reg(crag)
df = pd.concat([df, reg], axis=0) if not df.empty else reg
df = df.reset_index(drop=True)
df = pd.read_excel('Aus.xlsx')
Unnamed: 0 | name | Sport | routes | url | lat | long | |
0 | 1 | Arapiles / Djurite\ncrag\n | Climbing | 3181 | | -36.756518 | 141.808342 |
1 | 2 | \n\n Warning\nGrampians / Gariwerd\ncrag\n | Climbing | 8751 | | -37.155923 | 142.758590 |
2 | 3 | Mt Hope\ncrag\n | Climbing | 64 | | -35.989768 | 144.200941 |
3 | 4 | Mt Kooyoora\ncrag\n | Climbing | 66 | | -36.585072 | 143.697828 |
4 | 5 | Mt Cole\ncrag\n | Climbing | 40 | | -37.226904 | 143.198301 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
479 | 1 | Killiecrankie\ncrag\n | Climbing | 106 | | -39.799621 | 147.863068 |
480 | 2 | Mt Strzelecki\narea\n | Climbing | 2 | | -40.203883 | 148.072358 |
481 | 1 | 2 tree buttress\ncrag\n | Climbing | 4 | | -10.433873 | 105.666822 |
482 | 2 | Red crab rock\narea\n | Climbing | 3 | | -10.434245 | 105.666504 |
483 | 1 | Lost world boulder\narea\n | Climbing | 2 | | -10.535678 | 105.636355 |
484 rows × 7 columns
import os
os.system('jupyter nbconvert --to html TheCragAPI.ipynb')